Rome in Tours Rome in Tours Rome in Tours

Caravaggio, the damned Michelangelo


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Caravaggio, the damned Michelangelo

With Andrea

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Let's virtually enjoy the silent atmposphere of two churches in Rome housing remarkable masterpieces by the controversial and brilliant painter Caravaggio.

In Santa Maria del Popolo two altarpieces show the dramatic moments in the lives of the 2 patrons of Rome, St. Peter and St. Paul.

In San Luigi dei Francesi three paintings tell the story of St. Mathew the evangelist.


What to expect

For those who love paintings and the secrets behind them, this is the right tour to join. 

Caravaggio is one of the most famous painters in the story of Italian art. Many stories have been told about his works and about his reckless life.

Learn the story of the paintings and the technique used by the artist.

Forget the classical beauty and dive into the realism depicted by Caravaggio; mysterious characters and disturbing figures come out from the dark. Sacred stories take place in ordinary places. Saints who show their fragility and their martyrdom.

Enjoy the theatrical effects the artist provides thanks to his ability to use the light.

Discover the gap Caravaggio built between two centuries.